Animals mate in autumn or winter

1. white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
     Females enter 
estrus, colloquially called the rut, in the autumn, normally in late October or early November, triggered mainly by the declining photoperiod. Mating takes place in fall in North, midwinter in South [of North America].  Females give birth to 1–3 spotted young, known as fawns, in mid to late spring, generally in May or June.   wiki   Fiona's book (2006)

2. wasps

3. some mammals

Deer, boar and bats are seeking mates during the autumn months. Mammals that are larger, such as deer, elk and even moose, take on a more violent attitude when seeking their mate. Rutting takes place during this time. Males will battle it out by thrusting their racks together to fight until one gives in or dies. If you run into a buck or stag, it is best to stay a good distance, as they become territorial. Bats such as Daubenton’s and Brandt’s species will sing to the females inside of the caves. It is possible for us to hear these “love songs”; however using a bat detector allows the human ear to pick up the singing even better.    src