


鹼蠅 - 營養豐富的鳥食


在莫諾湖鹼蠅就是食物,大多數的鳥都以鹼蠅為食,鹼蠅比豐年蝦提供更多的脂肪和蛋白質,它也是瓣蹼鷸(Phalarope)的主食,使它得以生長羽毛,進行三千英里不落地的遷徙南美飛行。從盛夏到夏末,您可以在有陰影的水上看到威爾森氏瓣蹼鷸(Wilson's Phalarope)覓食,它會製造一個小旋渦,把鹼蠅的幼虫和蛹帶到水面以方便進食,您也可以看到加州海鷗和布爾氏烏鶇(Brewer's Blackbird)在湖濱行走,張嘴吃鹼蠅。




貼兩張 Wilson's Phalarope(赤斑瓣足鷸或威氏瓣足鷸)的亞成

Wilson's Phalarope

赤斑瓣蹼鹬 - Phalaropus tricolor (Wilson's Phalarope)

MIT solves gravity-defying bird beak mystery


This mechanical model of the phalarope beak, showing its transport of a micro-liter droplet, helped MIT researchers discover how the bird propels food upwards to its throat.

Video taken at 2000 fps, slowed down to 30 fps. Video / Manu Prakash, MIT.

Source: MIT solves gravity-defying bird beak mystery, http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2008/bi...

"Wildlife biologists have long noted the unusual feeding behavior of phalaropes, which spin in circles on the water, creating a vortex that sweeps small crustaceans up to the surface, just like tea leaves in a swirling tea cup.

The birds peck at the surface, picking up millimetric droplets of water with their prey trapped inside. Since the birds point their beaks downward during the feeding process, gravity must be overcome to get those droplets from the tip of the bird's long beak to its mouth. Until now, scientists have been puzzled as to how that happens.  ... ...  the drop travels along the beak at a speed of about 1 meter per second."