
呂毖在《明朝小史》曾記載了這樣一件事:宣宗酷好鬥蟋蟀,就向江南索取上品,動輒每隻數十金。當時楓橋一個糧長被郡督派遣去尋找,終於尋到一隻“最良者”,他馬上用自己所乘的駿馬交換了過來。回到家後,他非常小心的把這個命根子放在了蟋蟀罐裡。其妻聽說這只蟋蟀是用一匹駿馬換來,非常好奇,心想它肯定很奇異,便打開蓋子想偷看蟋蟀尊容。沒想到,這只“神奇”的蟋蟀一下子從罐中跳將出來,還未等追上,便被院子裡的雞給啄死了。他的妻子一看惹了大禍,非常恐懼,便上吊自殺了。糧長回來發現妻子已自盡,悲傷不已之餘,更害怕因蟋蟀之死而受到法律制裁,於是也一根繩子隨著自己的妻子而去。這無疑是個極端的悲劇,為一隻進貢的蟋蟀,鬧的家敗人亡。 fb

中國大陸一些城市有專門的蟋蟀協會,組織鬥蟋大賽。 鬥蟋蟀這項運動有專門的器皿 台灣台南縣新化鎮豐榮里,當地居民每年都會利用學校放暑假時,舉辦熱鬧的「鬥蟋蟀」大賽。wiki

Shanghai police arrest 66 in raid on illegal cricket fighting ring,00.html

Police in Shanghai arrested 66 people and seized over half a million yuan in a raid on an illegal cricket fighting ring on the western outskirts of the city.

Cricket fighting has apparently been common in China since the 600's AD, and is still flourishing, especially among middle aged unemployed men, who bet tens of thousands of yuan on each match.

Two crickets are placed in a box and prodded with sticks until they become enraged and rip each other apart. fighting crickets can become famous, and funerals are often held for them when they are killed.

Man, who comes up with sports like this? "Hey guys, lets put random insects in a box and poke them, and see if we can make them kill each other!"


SHANGHAI police have smashed a professional cricket fighting ring in a raid that snared the city's most notorious handler of the insects, state media reported today.

Police arrested 66 people and seized 520,000 yuan ($107,857) at an illegal cricket fight yesterday night, a police spokeswoman said, confirming state media reports. 

The blood sport, which dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), is flourishing in China's financial hub particularly among middle-aged unemployed men who bet tens of thousands of yuan on bouts, the Shanghai Daily cited investigating officers as saying. 

In a cricket fight, handlers prod two insects with sticks until they are angry and then set them loose on each other in a box for a fight to the death. 

Gambling on these bouts is illegal in China. 

Winning crickets can become famous and funerals have been known to be held for them when they are defeated. 

The prize fighters are fed special diets and are plied with female crickets to keep them in top form. 

Among those arrested today was 51-year-old man named Lin, who police described as a legend in the world of cricket fighting for his skill at provoking the insects. 

"Lin was famous among cricket fanciers,'' Tang Jun, one of the officers who led the raid, was quoted as saying in the Shanghai Daily. 

"If Lin teased a cricket he could make it angry enough to beat even a stronger opponent. Lin was Shanghai's number one cricket teaser.'' 

The organized crime ring, which took five to 10 per cent of the winnings, would bus about 800 gamblers to unusual secret locations, including in one instance an office at a cemetery, Mr Tang was quoted as saying. 

Today's raid took place at a cafeteria on the western outskirts of the city, police said.  src   pic1

揭开斗蟋蟀赌博内幕 (2002-10-16)

蟋蟀赌博藏身小区 警方杀回马枪捣毁窝点 (2014年09月15日)




















