
 Wasp ( 黄蜂 : 細腰蜂、狩獵蜂、泥蜂、穴蜂、土蜂) -
     Black & White Wasp, or called Four-toothed Mason Wasp (Monobia quadridens), a caterpillar hunter - life cycle  10/1/2011
     Bald-faced Hornet (
Dolichovespula maculata), a black & white wasp   10/22/2011 [more];  9/1/2014;  9/3/2014 (killing a smaller yellowjacket wasp)
     a reddish brown one: PP   full size original   (a paper wasp in Genus Polistes?   Northern Paper Wasp (Polistes fuscatus) [or Polistes metricus ? Red Wasps ? ]
     Yellow Jacket (when is the first time? 2011?7/21/2012
     Sand Wasp (Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus)
     Eastern Cicada Killer Wasp
     paper wasps at nest  -   <1> (probably Polistes exclamans) 
     Great Black Wasp (Sphex pensylvanicus) at Kissena, 7/21/2012; ?8/18/2012?
     European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula)  4/27/2013-pic1
     Ammophila pictipennis  (Thread-waisted Wasp),  9/22/2012  ; not the same as 8/30/2014
     Potter Wasp (Eumenes fraternus)black-with-white-bands wasp, female, 9/22/2012   -  <1>  
     Bee with green eyes (Sand Wasp of genus Tachytes?) - 7/26/2014 
     Blue Mud Wasp ( Chalybion californicum ) - <1>   <2>   <3> (behind is the orange wasp)   <4> (8/2/2014); possibly 8/18/2012
     Orange and black wasp with smoking purple wings - <1>   <2>   <3> (8/2/2014)
     Black and white wasp (Bald-faced Hornet?) - <1> (8/2/2014)
     Ammophila procera (Thread-waisted Wasp) - 8/30/2014 ; not the same as 9/22/2012

     (1) 李淳陽  

 Bee -
     Eastern Carpenter Bee ( Xylocopa virginica ), a large carpenter bee : are not solitary bees (独居蜂), but are not truly social either. The weak form of sociality they exhibit, with one female doing the majority of the work, and caring for her sisters, may be a transitional step in the evolution of sociality. However they tend to be gregarious, and often several will nest near each other.  wiki  (中國的 Xylocopa dissimilis 叫竹蜂、烏蜂、熊蜂、象蜂)
     Small Carpenter Bee, Ceratina,
     Sweat Bee
     Bumble Bee 熊蜂 - Brown-belted Bumble Bee (Bombus griseocollis), male:  <1> (bugguide link)    
     Giant Resin Bee ( Megachile sculpturalis ) : <2> (bugguide link), look similar to Small Carpenter Bee.      
        It is one of the largest members of the leafcutting bee 切葉蜂 family, Megachilidae. It’s called “giant” because, at sizes of from one-half inch to almost one inch, it is conspicuously larger than other leafcutting bees. 
     European/Western/Common Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) 西方蜜蜂
     (1) 熊蜂 : 膜翅目 (Hymenoptera) 蜜蜂科 (Apidae) 熊蜂族 (Bombini) 昆虫      baidu    
     (2) 熊蜂属 (Bombus) 的种类营社会性生活,每巢有一只蜂后、多只雄蜂和工蜂。拟熊蜂属 (Psithyrus, Cuckoo bumblebees) 为非社会性昆虫,但将卵产在熊蜂属种类的巢内,由其工蜂照看。由于两者形态极为相似,英国的 P. vestalis (I think the correct name is Bombus vestalis) 有时把熊蜂属的蜂后螫死,这样就不再产生熊蜂属的幼虫,工蜂就专门照料前者的幼虫。  baidu  
     (2b) B. vestalis is a cuckoo bumblebee; it does not construct any nest of its own, but usurps the nest of Bombus terrestris, kills the host queen, and lets the host workers raise its offspring.[3] The male bumblebees often congregate in gardens in the suburbs.   wiki
     (3) 蜜蜂科包含有熊蜂属麦蜂属、无刺蜂属 (stingless bees)、壁蜂属、切叶蜂属 (Giant Resin Bee is a leaf-cutter bee)、蜜蜂属等。 baidu
     (4) 蜜蜂属下由 9个独立种构成:西方蜜蜂、小蜜蜂、大蜜蜂、东方蜜蜂、黑小蜜蜂、黑    蜜蜂科 大蜜蜂、沙巴蜂、绿努蜂苏拉威西蜂。根据进化程度和酶谱分析以西方蜜蜂最为高级,东方蜜蜂次之,黑小蜜蜂最低。其中黑小蜜蜂、小蜜蜂、黑大蜜蜂、大蜜蜂、沙巴蜂基本以野生状态生存着为植物授粉作贡献;而中华蜜蜂、西方蜜蜂多以生产用蜂种,普遍为人类饲养。从狭义上指蜜蜂属尤其指家养的意大利蜂、中华蜜蜂、欧洲黑蜂(包括我国的东北黑蜂伊犁黑蜂)、卡尼鄂拉蜂高加索蜂。 baidu 
     (5) 竹蜂【拉丁名】Xylocopa dissimilis (Lep.) .【英文名】bamboo bee,【别名】乌蜂、熊蜂、象蜂, 笛师、留师、竹蜜蜂、竹筒蜂。 So Eastern Carpenter Bee can also translated to 熊蜂.  baidu 


 Flower fly / Hoverfly -
     Striped Hoverfly (Helophilus sp.) ?
     Toxomerus sp.? , a tiny one
     Bigger one: <1>  like American Hover Fly (Eupeodes americanus,  9–12 mm in body length) or Epistrophe grossulariae, etc. cf. here  mirror
     Toxomerus sp., probably Toxomerus geminatus, not marginatus
     Transverse Flower Fly (Eristalis transversa) - <1>  cf. here (size of Transverse Flower Fly: 9-11mm)
  Fly (Diptera) in general other than hoverfly & mosquito
     Green Bottle Fly (a Blow-fly in the genus Lucilia)  7/26/2014
     House Fly


 Butterfly / Moth -
     Orange Sulphur 
     Cabbage White / Small White - (Small) Cabbage White (Pieris rapae, previously known as: Artogeia rapae)
     American Painted Lady (e.g., 10/14/2012)
     Painted Lady (e.g.,  8/18/2012)
     Common Buckeye - <1> , a brushfoot (Nymphalidae) butterfly, love to perch/rest on bare ground 
     Anglewing butterfly, Tribe Nymphalini - "Leaf Butterflies"  (Comma? perhaps Eastern Comma, Polygonia comma7/26/2014
     Swallowtail - yellow morph of female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) ; black morph of female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) or female Black Swallowtail ?
     Spring Azure ? of Gossamer-wing family, a small butterfly - <1>  7/20/2014 (or Summer Azure), even smaller than Cabbage White   
     Eastern Tailed-Blue, female -  7/26/2014
     Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) -  4/11/2015 
     Silver-spotted Skipper (large skipper) - 6/28/2017
     Hypena scabra Green Cloverworm Moth (Verified By: H.D. McGuinness, 6/17/2012)  - <1>   <2>   <3>  (observed on 8/20/2011 Sat)
      Homochlodes fritillaria Pale Homochlodes - <1> (observed on 5/26/2012 Sat, Memorial Weekend) (a Geometrid Moth or Geometer Moth)

 Damselfly -
     Rambur's Forktail
     Bluets - Orange, Familiar,
     Eastern Forktail (male)
     Common Spreadwing - <1>
 Dragonfly -
     Yellow-legged Meadowhawk (a red Skimmer)
     Blue Dasher - both female & male  
     Great Blue Skimmer - 8/24/2013 (Kissena)
     Green Darner - best picture: male, hovering - <1>   <2>
     Black Saddlebag
     Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera), a Skimmer dragonfly (0.9")
     Twelve-spotted Skimmer - 7/4/2013 (JBWR, male);  8/15/2015 (Kissena)
     Eastern Pondhawk - 8/18/2013 (Rockefeller, male); 7/30/2016 (JBWR, female & immature male)
     Common Whitetail - 7/20/2014 (JBWR, male);  8/15/2015 (Kissena)
     Seaside Dragonlet - common at Oceanside.
     dark-blue dragonfly, probably Black Meadowhawk (or Seaside Dragonlet) - 7/20/2014
     Crimson Dropwing ( Trithemis aurora, 曉褐蜻 ), male @HK
     Common Red Skimmer ( Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum, 赤褐灰蜻 ), male  @HK
     Indigo Dropwing ( Trithemis festiva, 褐蜻 ), male  @HK

 Grasshopper / Katydid (螽斯科) -
     probably a Carolina Grasshopper (Dissosteira Carolina).
     probably a Bush Katydid (Elimaea sp)
     Long-horned grasshopper - 9/1/2018, 9/17/2016, 9/16/2015?, 9/20/2014.  Possibly Genus Conocephalus (Lesser Meadow Katydids) or Genus Orchelimum (Greater Meadow Katydids)
         Not Orchelimum vulgare (aka the common meadow katydid) which is red eyes: id_guide More id guide

 Cicada -
     probably Tibicen , Tibicen linnei ?  or Tibicen canicularis (Harris 1841), "Common or Northern Dog-day Cicada"  (Now is Neotibicen canicularis)
 Beetle -
     8/28/2011 not ladybug because of its orange-brown legs
 Spider -


*log after 4/12/2011 (Tue) 多明尼加共和國 Punta Cana, until 10/1/2011

Note: And check my e-book collection -
     "Capinera - Encyclopedia of Entomology 2e (Springer, 2008).pdf" (DVD 18 - Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Update May 2009)
     G:\G_MyDoc\Gullan - The Insects - Outline of Entomology 3e (Blackwell, 2005).pdf
     Encyclopedia of Insects 2003 -  e.g, Honey Bee