Bird List 🌅Sunrise Emoji               


    all yr: 2012-now          FOS in NY  

    Next: Saint Martin, Trinidad and Tobago.  More: <1>  trinidad_and_tobago.htm
    2021 Florida.  Oregon.  Texas. 
    2020 Cape Cod & Berkshire, MA
    2019 1. Cayman Islands.  2. Iceland.  Baltic Sea ( Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, northeast Germany and Russia ) [link]   3. Barbados.
    2018 Tucson, AZ.  Pittsburgh, PA.  Bonaire & Curacao.  HK (trips to China).
    2017 Cayman Islands / Bonaire & Curacao / HK (1 day trip to China with Siu Ming)
    2016 celebrate birding 10 year anniversary - 決志:  矢志不渝 、堅定不移地 進行觀鳥, 成為一生一世的嗜好, 天長地久的興趣.
    2016 (Aug-):  HK
    2016 (Jan-Jul): Mexico (4/7)
    2015 (8/14-): Curacao / HK
    2015 (Jan-8/8) log: South Carolina / Seattle
    2014 log: Jamaica / Canadian Rockies / Curacao
    2013 log: New Orleans, Costa Maya, Belize City, Roatan, & Cozumel / HK (1/2 day China with Siu Ming)   Periodical Cicada at SI        
    2012 (after Hurricane Sandy) log  
    2012 (Jul-before Hurricane Sandy) log  (Netherlands, UK, Scotland, Norway, Denmark) (birdList.b4_split2_b_and_c.htm)   
    2012 (Jan-Jun) log  (Costa Rica)  
    2011 log  (HK, Punta Cana
    2010 log  ( 1. Mar. Caribbean Cruise : Fort Lauderdale / Cozumel, Mexico / Cayman Islands ; 1b. HK ; 2. Nov. Caribbean Cruise : Puerto Rico / St Maarten / Half Moon Cay & Florida) 
    2009 log  (Las Vegas; HK, Mainland China and Taiwan)  
    2008 log  (South Caribbean Cruise - Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Grenada, Bonaire & Aruba; Toronto; Palm Beach, Florida)   
    Photo and Video @ Punta Cana    pic01.htm  others   HK trips
    ducks and geese
    Note on Dragonfly and Damselfly   my insect spider list    Macro   butterflyMoth.htm   frog   kissena_rare_encounter.htm    Postings of NY Birding List
    Favorites in 2013   Favorites in 2012   Favorites in 2011  
    Bees   Wasps   Cricket   myInventory   myNationalPark.htm
    Costa Rica info   Costa Rica, 2012 - Photo    costa_rica_mybirdlist.htm
    Birding in Shetland Islands     Norway cruise     pc_stuff.htm    pc_stuff2.htm    Google Voice    t-mobile (6/2014)   多部未华子   cull_CanadaGeese_at_JBWR.htm
    samsung_s3600.note01.htm   smart_phone.htm   car_problem.htm   pedometer.htm   Biblical_problems_caused_by_translation.htm   translation resource
    how_can_i_make_a_very_sharp_phot.htm   flash_wont_sync_in_slave_mode.htm   Camera/Camcorder for birding   cam4underwater   infrared_photography.htm
    comet_PANSTARRS.htm    Jamaica_bird.htm   2015plus_jamaica_trips.htm   Glacier   Hay fever   Glacier & Canadian Rockies  
    Curacao-1   Curacao-2   Bermuda   Cancun   Snorkeling Cozumel Reefs (El Cozumeleño Resort) 
    St. Maarten  St. Eustatius
    Saint Martin: The best snorkeling on the island lies on the French side, where the government religiously protects the calm waters, which are populated with schools of brilliantly colored fish. Find a tiny cove and explore the shallow reefs along its shores, especially in the northeastern underwater nature reserve.
    Barbados is called the land of flying fish.
    Cuba [mirrorEthiopia [Rockjumper's standard tours (as we classify this PNG tour) are aimed at the keen birder who wants to see as many birds and as much wildlife as possible without extreme effort or arduous hours in the field i.e. the average birder. src]  
    South Carolina   Seattle   Bird in Arizona Desert
    Lead Adventures 3-Week Galapagos program - doc  
    Quito - Monastery of San Francisco - pic1  quito.htm
    The best month for me to visit Galapagos is probably Feb.
    List of whale and dolphin species        List of birds of HK   
    fb Post - 青衣島 譚炳文 1971   hksong_placeName.htm   根据哼唱的旋律找歌的网站 ( )
    全膝關節置換術 (TKA)   飛蚊症
    How to Get Free Gogo Inflight WiFi : Click on “Watch for Free” in the Delta Studio to watch free movies. > Choose your movie and select "Watch Now." > asked if you have the Gogo app or need to download the app. > select the option to “Download on the App Store.” (or Google Play)  > Leave the App Store once Gogo takes you there.

    How to Access Google in China (& All Google Services) :
    1. Access the Internet in China -
        Via Wi-Fi. 
        Via a China SIM card: Although a bit time consuming, it’s not difficult for a foreigner to get a local SIM card to access the internet via any unlocked phone. You’ll need your passport to register the number but monthly service can be unbelievably cheap. In some major airports (Beijing, Shanghai) you’ll find kiosks where you can purchase a China SIM card. Otherwise, you’ll have to go to a China Telecom, China Unicom or China Mobile store to purchase.  
        Via a Rented China Phone: Of course, if you want to eliminate all the hassle of the above options, you can also consider renting a phone in China. There are services that will mail you a phone to your home that will work the moment you land in China. You can rent cheap Android phones or nicer Apple iPhones.
    2. Connect to a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
    3. Log on to Google in China!

    Tourists to China can finally use the country’s massively popular mobile payment systems

    flu__covid19.htm   coronavirus01.htm  

    interview_questions_and_answers.htm   hk_box_office.htm

2021 Plan:

(1) Periodical cicada Brood X (10) will emerge in 15 states in 2021

Periodical cicada Brood X (10) will emerge in the spring of 2021 in Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington D.C.

The last time this brood emerged was in 2004.

When: Typically beginning in mid-May and ending in late June. These cicadas will begin to emerge approximately when the soil 8″ beneath the ground reaches 64 degrees Fahrenheit. A nice, warm rain will often trigger an emergence. Back in 2004, people began reporting emergences around May, 13th.

Other tips: these cicadas will emerge after the trees have grown leaves, and, by my own observation, around the same time Iris flowers bloom.

Where: has the most up to date maps.

Note: Review my 6/8/2013 experience Others 2013 (locations with video)
 Cicadas may emerge early in Central Illinois (6/2020)  (Brood XIII and XIX)
 Billions of cicadas expected in spring of 2021  
 17 Year Periodical Cicadas | Planet Earth | BBC Earth  
 Brood V, 2016, Wildwood State Park, Long Island, NY 
 Can ask: Professor Douglas Futuyma, Stony Brook University's Ecology and Evolution Department
 Download Mobile Cicada App Developed by Campus Experts to Track 2020 Cicada Emergence
 Brood XIV (14) may come four year earlier in 2021.  New York counties: Nassau, Suffolk
'Impossible dreams challenge us to rise above who we are now to see if we can become better versions of ourselves.' by Emily Harrington.  Rock climber Emily Harrington has become the first woman, and fourth person, to free-climb the Golden Gate route on Yosemite National Park's 3,000-foot El Capitan summit in a single day.  src
1. 新西蘭總理阿德恩宣布,將採取與病毒共存策略,2021 12月3日起結束最大城市奧克蘭長達3個多月封城。
2. Nov 5, 2021 - 随着亚洲越来越多国家开始转向“与病毒共存”,各界都关注中国丶香港及台湾这些仍倾向“清零政策”的地区,何时会开始转型?
在新加坡与韩国相继与“清零政策”告别并迈向与“病毒共存”之际,中国丶香港与台湾仍持续施行所谓的“清零政策”,在边境采取严格的入境与隔离措施,并在本土爆发疫情时,祭出封城丶大规模检测或是严格限制社交互动等措施来防止病毒持续传播。   src

Chinese officials punished over COVID-19 outbreak that led to Xi'an lockdown
1. the number of local symptomatic cases in Xi'an - there were 255 during the Dec 9-Dec 23 period. 
New locally transmitted cases with confirmed symptoms in the city fell to 49 for Dec. 23, down from 63 a day earlier, the first decline since Dec. 10.

2. Nationwide, China confirmed 87 new symptomatic cases for Dec. 23, down from 100 a day earlier, its health authority said on Friday.
Of those, 55 were locally transmitted, according to a statement by the National Health Commission, compared with 71 from a day earlier.
There were no new deaths, leaving the death toll at 4,636. Mainland China had 100,731 confirmed COVID-19 cases as of Dec. 23.



The city of 13 million, which entered its fourth day of lockdown, detected 155 domestically transmitted cases with confirmed symptoms for Saturday, up from 75 a day earlier, official data showed on Sunday.

The city managed to quickly detect those cases through three rounds of mass testing, He Wenquan, a Xian official, told a press conference on Sunday, adding that high case numbers could persist into the next couple of days.

The city has announced no infections caused by the Omicron variant, although Chinese authorities have reported a handful of Omicron infections among international travelers and in southern China.






2020-08-11 (大纪元)
瑞银证据实验室(UBS Evidence Lab)企业家问卷调查显示,在中国、北亚和美国的企业家问卷调查中,分别有60%、85%和76%的受访企业表示已将部分产能迁出中国,或者计划迁出中国。


2021/03/01 (上海界面财联社科技股份有限公司)

2021/03/09 (tetakawi - 在墨西哥建厂)
美国 供应管理协会(Institute for Supply Management)2020年7月对美国制造商的一 份调查报告显示,只有24%的受访者认为制 造业回流美国和近岸生产值得商榷,且其 中真正付诸行动的受访者甚少。

美国普华永道咨询公司主席Tim Ryan表示 ,无论谁赢得美国大选,制造商都会从中 国撤出。究其原因,近两年发生的这一转 变实际上已酝酿多年,且制造商撤离中国 的趋势现在还未达到顶峰。

Ryan最近在接受CNBC的《收市钟声 》(Closing Bell)采访时说道:“我们看 到‘降低供应链风险’这个议题已经上升 到企业董事会层面,而现今关注的供应链 过于集中化的问题先前并没有体现出来 。”

近年来,全球企业越来越意识到供应链集 中在个别几个海外国家的风险。当企业识 别出供应链中的已知和未知的风险时,会 驱使他们从一个新的视角重新审视离岸制 造的利弊。在这种情况下,选择近岸生产 和区域化制造被认为是更具可行性的低风 险战略。

投资研究机构Bretton Woods Research负责 人Vladimir Signorelli对《福布斯》说道 :“我认为,以中国作为全球供应链中心 ,这一模式已经在今年终结了”。


2021/04/20 (
富士康 (Foxconn) 将在威斯康星州建厂投资规模从100亿美元大幅削减到6.72亿美元

路透华盛顿4月20日 - 根据台湾电子代工生产商富士康(鸿海)集团周二与威斯康星州州长共同宣布的一项协议,该公司将大幅削减其在威斯康星州工厂的计划投资规模。

威斯康辛州州长Tony Evers在一份声明中表示,因富士康将计划投资规模从100亿美元减少到6.72亿美元,并将计划就业岗位从1.3万个减少到1,454个,威斯康辛州将把给该项目的税收抵扣从28.5亿美元减少到8000万美元。这项投资于2017年7月在白宫首次宣布,当时特朗普任总统。



阿富汗局势:让美军撤走的那份“和平协议” (多哈协议)/a>

半岛新闻 : 美欧承诺与塔利班对话 多方为多哈谈判取得成功进行密切接触

阿富汗20年 — 塔利班、反恐戰和戰爭的代價


那是2001年11月的最后几天,塔利班领导人开始联系当时即将成为阿富汗临时总统的哈米德·卡尔扎伊(Hamid Karzai),他们想达成一项协议。
“塔利班被彻底击败了,他们没有要求,只求得到赦免,”当时参与了联合国政治团队工作的巴内特·鲁宾(Barnett Rubin)回忆道。
信使频频往返于卡尔扎伊和塔利班领导人穆罕默德·奥马尔(Mullah Mohammad Omar)在坎大哈的总部之间,卡尔扎伊提出了一个塔利班投降方案,要让这些好战分子在阿富汗的未来中不再扮演任何有份量的角色。
“美国无意进行投降谈判,”当时的国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)在新闻发布会上说,他还表示,美国人不希望就这样让奥马尔在阿富汗的某个地方度过余生。美国希望抓住或杀死他。

Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve
Chicken Valley Rd, Oyster Bay, NY 11771
PARKING: AVAILABLE ON SITE - There is parking for 3-4 cars. Open dawn to dusk.

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2020 7:30 PM
Owl and Bat Prowl at Iselin Preserve

Large Trail Map

John P. Humes Japanese Stroll Garden
347 Oyster Bay Road, Mill Neck, NY 11765
Sat 10am-2pm
Sun 1-5pm
Mon-Fri Closed
Brooklyn birding places:
 Brooklyn Botanic Garden  ebird | saw Bobolink on 22 Apr 2018 (in reeds of water garden just south of Conservatory), 8 Oct 2017 (Pic-1, smaller) & 14 Sep 2014 | saw Dickcissel on 9 Oct 2017 | saw European Goldfinch (is considered a rare bird in New York) on 22 Oct 2017
 Prospect Park (next to Brooklyn Botanic Garden)
 Green-Wood Cemetery (near to Prospect Park)
 Bush Terminal Piers Park (near to Green-Wood Cemetery)
So the above 4 are formed a cluster.

 (1) European Goldfinch - native to Europe, North Africa, and central Asia. The European Goldfinch has been introduced to other areas, such as southern Australia, New Zealand, and even the US. About 100 years ago these birds were established on Long Island, but those colonies died out and now they’re considered rare in North America. In recent years, there have been many sightings of them in the Mid-West where they are believed to be nesting. They are hardy birds and able to withstand cold winters. Like their American cousins, these little birds like sunflower and nyjer seed, so you may be able to keep this visitor around for a while!  src
 (2) European Goldfinch in Socrates Sculpture Park, Queens - European Goldfinches presently found in New York are believed to all be escaped cage birds or, at best, a handful of their first-generation descendants. In order for introduced birds to become countable in the high-stakes world of official bird-counting, they must establish a self-sustaining breeding population. 
Note on patch birding: Carrie Laben saw 76 species of birds at Socrates Sculpture Park (21 minute drive from home).

2021 Life bird: 
Hudsonian Godwit.  Gull-billed Tern.  Tufted Puffin.  Common Murre.  Pigeon Guillemot.  Pelagic Cormorant.
European Goldfinch. Winter Wren. Evening Grosbeak (at Green-Wood). Eastern Whip-poor-will. Northern Rough-winged Swallow. Cliff Swallow. Bobolink. Dickcissel.
Reddish Egret.  Swallow-tailed Kite.  Roseate Spoonbill.  Loggerhead Shrike (5/2021 at Florida).
... (at Oregon)

Scissor-tailed flycatcher.  Meadowlark.  Long-billed curlew.
Snow Bunting.

2020-21 Winter 成績單:
1.  Twenty five species of ducks seen in 2020-21 winter:
American Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon (at Oakland Lake, 11/26 Thanksgiving)
Ruddy Duck
Red-breasted Merganser
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser
Ring-necked Duck
Northern Shoveler
American Black Duck
Greater Scaup
Lesser Scaup
Wood Duck
Northern Pintail
Blue-winged Teal (seen at JBWR on 8/20/2011)
Green-winged Teal
Common Eider
King Eider
White-winged Scoter (seen at Dead Horse Bay / Floyd Bennett Field on 1/8/2012)
Black Scoter
Surf Scoter
Long-tailed Duck (seen at Fort Tilden [Riis Landing & coastal beach, the Atlantic shore] on 2/18/2012)
Harlequin Duck
Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Mottled Duck
Muscovy Duck

Year 2020 Life bird: 
Canvasback.  Common Merganser.  Harlequin Duck.
Black Scoter.  Surf Scoter.  Eared Grebe.  Red-throated Loon.  Red Crossbill.  Horned Lark.  Snowy Owl.  Purple Sandpiper.  American Woodcock.

1.  ducks seen in 2019-20 winter:
Canvasback (male, 1/1/2020 at World's Fair Marina)
American Wigeon
Ruddy Duck
Red-breasted Merganser (1/1/2020 at World's Fair Marina; 11/9 probably)
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser (Martha Weintraub saw 2 at JBWR on 12 Dec 2019)
Ring-necked Duck
Northern Shoveler
American Black Duck
Scaup (Greater Scaup + Lesser Scaup)
Wood Duck
Northern Pintail
Blue-winged Teal (seen at JBWR on 8/20/2011)
Green-winged Teal
Common Eider
White-winged Scoter (seen at Dead Horse Bay / Floyd Bennett Field on 1/8/2012)
Long-tailed Duck (seen at Fort Tilden [Riis Landing & coastal beach, the Atlantic shore] on 2/18/2012)
Harlequin Duck (3/28/2020 at Point Lookout)

Note: During winter, location can be a deciding factor. Greater Scaup tend to choose saltwater bodies, while Lesser Scaup are found in freshwater zones further inland.  So try to see Lesser at Alley Pond Park.  src

Purple Martin House, Broad Channel, south of JBWR HQ

© Lisa Scheppke

Sites of watching duck:

JBWR - Bufflehead.  Scaup, possible.
Point Lookout - sea ducks.  Scaup.  Northern Gannet (not a duck).  
Oakland Lake - Green-winged Teal.
Baisley Pond Park - American Wigeon.  Gadwall.  Northern Shoveler.

JBWR - Red-breasted Merganser.  Hooded Merganser.  Redhead.  Scaup.
Point Lookout (even early April) - Harlequin Duck.  Long-tailed Duck. 
Baisley Pond Park - Redhead.  Ring-necked Duck. [eBird: 10/28/2020 both ducks were seen.]
Restoration Pond - Bufflehead.  Scaup.
World's Fair Marina (1 Marina Rd, Corona, NY 11368; GCP Exit 9E) - Canvasback.  Red-breasted Merganser.  Bufflehead.  Scaup of both species.  How about Long-tailed Duck?  Try after New Year or even Christmas. 
Meadow Lake - Common Merganser.  Bufflehead.  Hooded Merganser.  White-winged Scoter [eBird: 23 Oct 2020]
Dead Horse Bay - Red-breasted Merganser.  Bufflehead.  
*(from a 1/2010 article about Dead Horse Bay) you are likely to see are Red-throated LoonCommon LoonHorned GrebeBrantAmerican Black DuckLong-tailed DuckBufflehead and Red-breasted Merganser. Now the Scaup seemed to have returned in epic numbers.  src
Jones Beach Coast Guard Station - Long-tailed Duck.
Jones Beach - Surf Scoter.

eBird records found:
Common Goldeneye - World's Fair Marina, 7 Dec 2019.  Point Lookout, 26 Jan 2020.  Baisley Pond Park, 2017-12-31.   And:
Meadow lake - Common Goldeneye
Hooded Merganser - Kissena Park, 25 Oct 2020 .  Meadow Lake, 3 Nov 2020 
Red-breasted Merganser - West Pond, 2020-10-31 (Flying in and out of pond. in small groups.); 11/1/2020

Blue-winged Teal -
  Kissena Park, 3 Oct 2020 (1 observed by Mary Normandia, flyover with black duck). 
  Flushing Meadows Corona Park--Meadow Lake, 3 Oct 2020 morning (2) | also observed (1-3) by many others in September.
  More on sighting map
  It seems the best time to spot it in Greater NYC is September & October.

 (1) Wintering ducks are birds often with whimsical names - goldeneyes, scaup, scoters, mergansers, and more - that nest near the water during the summer in northern New England, northern New York State, or far northern waters in Canada. As temperatures drop, many water birds will migrate south as northern waters freeze over. They fly to find refuge in open ice-free water, especially saltwater which has a lower temperature at which it freezes between 29 or 28 degrees F. They arrive to fish, feed, and rest before another busy breeding season begins. ...
Once daylight increases and temperatures rise in the spring, the birds [Buffleheads] are off again to nest near lakes, ponds, and rivers in the forests of Canada.  They will raise a family in an old woodpecker hole, usually a Flicker, in which the entrance hole is enlarged to a little more than three inches in diameter to accommodate the bird’s chubby body.  A pair of Buffleheads will raise 8 to 12 chicks, providing none of the little birds are victims of predation.   src
 (2) Bufflehead breed primarily in northwestern North America and winter on both coasts. On the Atlantic coast they winter from Newfoundland to Florida, with concentrations in Maine and between Cape Cod and North Carolina. The New York Bight accounts for about one-quarter of the Atlantic flyway wintering population. Bufflehead feed on a variety of food items, and in northern estuaries the primary winter foods are crustaceans such as isopods, amphipods, and shrimp, mollusks, some fish, pondweeds, and widgeon grass. Bufflehead are distributed in small flocks throughout the backbarrier lagoons of the New York Bight along the New Jersey and Long Island coasts, with significant concentration areas in Barnegat Bay and the Cape May Atlantic coast marshes.  src

Common Merganser at Meadow Lake

12/31/2021 (Fri) with Winnie and Ivy. 
Jones Beach West End / Norman J Levy Park & Preserve (1600 Merrick Rd, Merrick, NY 11566) / Cammanns Pond County Park (235 Lindenmere Dr, Merrick, NY 11566)

Jones Beach:
  Snow Bunting, a flock (20+), lifer.
  Cannot find Harlequin Duck.
  Purple Sandpiper (20+).  Unknown Shorebird.  Turnstone.   Loon.  Song Sparrow.   
  Long-tailed Duck (2).
Norman J Levy:
  Hunt for Northern Shrike & Yellow-breasted Chat but fail.
  Robin (3).  Mourning Dove (5+).  Red-shouldered Hawk.  Bufflehead (2).  White-throated Sparrow. 

12/26/2021 (Sun) 
Norman J Levy Park & Preserve (1600 Merrick Rd, Merrick, NY 11566) / Cammanns Pond County Park (235 Lindenmere Dr, Merrick, NY 11566)

Hunt for Northern Shrike but fail.
Monk Parakeet (3).  Mourning Dove.  Song Sparrow.  White-throated Sparrow.  Gull.  Double-crested Cormorant.  Junco (1), possible.  
Cammanns: Hooded Merganser (FOS). Northern Shoveler. American Black Duck. Mallard. Canada Goose. Brant. Black-crowned Night Heron.  Double-crested Cormorant.

This is a Monk Parakeet Christmas.  See a colony at Kissena Blvd in 12/24 afternoon.  See 3 at Norman J Levy in the morning and see a few near Kissena Blvd around 1:15pm today.
12/19/2021 (Sun) 
Baisley Pond Park
Redhead (FOS).  Ring-necked Duck (FOS).  American Wigeon.  Gadwall.  Northern Shoveler. Ruddy Duck.  Mallard. 
Coot. Gull. Swan.  Turkey Vulture. 
12/12/2021 (Sun) with Ivy
Great Kills Park (GPS address: 188 Buffalo St, Staten Island, NY 10306) & Kissam Ave/Oakwood Beach

Kissam Ave, SI

Long-tailed Duck.  Red-breasted Merganser (M+F).  Bufflehead (M+F).  Loon, probably Red-throated Loon, not Common Loon.  Grebe, probably Horned Grebe, possibly Red-necked Grebe.
Horned Lark (7+).
Birder looks for Gray Kingbird.
Cannot locate the young male King Eider.  Ivy sees it on the next day (12/13 Mon).
(1) Common Loon can stay underwater for up to five minutes, its signature red eyes helping it locate prey while submerged.  src
(2) Why Do Some Birds Have Red Eyes?

There are many species of birds in which red eyes are a natural occurrence.
Due to the high variability of eye color in birds, there are some species whose irises range from yellow to red.
For the sake of simplicity, they are included with other red-eyed species. Red-eyed species include but are not limited to: 

11/9-17/2021 (Tue-Wed) 
Houston / Galveston / Beaumont, TX

Nov 9 
   12:00pm departs.  
   George Bush Intercontinental (IAH).
   900 Rogers Court, Webster, TX  United States  77598
Nov 10-12
   On route to Galveston:
      Armand Bayou Nature Center
      Kemah Boardwalk – 215 Kipp Ave, TX 77565
   Holiday Inn Club Vacations Galveston Beach Resort
   11743 Termini-San Luis Pass Road, Galveston, TX  United States  77554
Nov 13-15
   3115 Central Mall Drive, Port Arthur, TX  United States  77642
Nov 16
   9000 South Main Street, Houston, TX  United States  77025

around Beaumont

Osprey.  Killdeer.   Blue-winged teal.   Roseate spoonbill (a closer encounter ever).  Tricolored heron.
Lifer: Scissor-tailed flycatcher.  Meadowlark.  Long-billed curlew.

10/31/2021 (Sun) whole day partly cloudy/suuny
Seven Lakes Drive / Harriman State Park
GH2 and Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

  Lake Kanawauke - <1>

(1) Lake Kanawauke - nice pictures taken there in 10/2017.  Visited with Becky.
(2) Lake Askoti - info
(3) Lake Tiorati
Lake Tiorati

10/23/2021 (Sat) am cloudy
Kissena Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Hermit Thrush.  Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  Hairy Woodpecker.  Wood Duck.  Blue Jay.  RWBB.  White-throated Sparrow.  Song Sparrow.  Mourning Dove.  Starling.  Rabbit.   
10/17/2021 (Sun) am partly cloudy/sunny
Baisley Pond Park & Meadow Lake
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

American Wigeon.  Gadwall.  Ruddy Duck.  Scaup.  American Black Duck.  Coot.  Warbler. 
Meadow Lake:
  Flycatcher with a yellow belly, a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher?  Or Least Flycatcher or Great Crested Flycatcher or others?
  Savannah Sparrow, not 100% sure.
  Ruddy Duck.  A lot of Cormorants.
No Bufflehead (last year FOS is 10/24 at JBWR).

  Pigeon in flight (landing) -
  Double-crested Cormorant (in flight) -
  Gull (in flight) -
  Flycatcher -
  Savannah Sparrow -

10/9/2021 (Sat) am cloudy
JBWR (13th visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Yellow-rumped Warbler, a lot.  Yellowlegs. 

  Yellow-rumped Warbler -
  Mockingbird -
  Double-crested Cormorant (in flight) -
  Gull (in flight) -
  Moth -

10/3/2021 (Sun) am to 3pm with Ivy
Fort Tryon Park & Central Park Conservatory Garden (1233 5th Ave, New York, NY 10029)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3


  Ruby-throated Hummingbird - <1>
  Skipper -
  Cardinal -
  Robin - <1>
  Chipmunk -

(1) Jewelweed (鳳仙花) - Ruby-throated Hummingbirds' favorite at Kissena, Alley Pond and Oakland Lake.   
(2) Impatiens capensis, the orange jewelweed, common jewelweed, spotted jewelweed, jewelweed , or orange balsam, is an annual plant which is native to North America.

The angle of the nectar spur is very important in the pollination of the flower and in determining the most efficient pollinator. Hummingbirds are major pollinators. They remove more pollen per visit from flowers with curved nectar spurs than with perpendicular nectar spurs.[16] But hummingbirds are not the only pollinators of Impatiens capensis. Bees, especially bumblebees play an important role in pollination as well. Due to hummingbirds and bees, the pollination of Impatiens capensis is very high.[17]

(3a) Top hummingbird flowers
(3b) 10 Best Flowers for Attracting Hummingbirds

10/2/2021 (Sat) am
Orchard Beach / Pelham Bay Park--Hunter Island
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Northern Flicker.  Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Hairy Woodpecker.  Towhee.  Hermit Thrush.  Great Egret.  Snowy Egret.  Great Blue Heron.  Double-crested Cormorant.  Yellow-rumped Warbler.  Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  Eastern Phoebe (or other flycatcher).  Catbird. 

9/25/2021 (Sat) am
Kissena (Corridor) Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Northern Flicker.  Robin, a lot.  Red-eyed Vireo.  Warbler.
No hummingbird. 

(1) Red-eyed Vireo.  One of the most numerous summer birds in eastern woods. It is not the most often seen, because it tends to stay out of sight in the leafy treetops, searching methodically among the foliage for insects.  src

9/19/2021 (Sun) am
JBWR (12th visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Eastern Phoebe, a lot.  Yellow-rumped Warbler.  Warbler, unknown.  Vireo.  Mockingbird, a juvenile coming very close to me.  Catbird.  Shorebird, probably Yellowlegs. 

  Moth -
  Damselfly -
  Mockingbird -

 Heather Wolf photo taken in Brooklyn Bridge Park of a “Dark-eyed Junco” (when?).   src      

9/18/2021 (Sat) am
Oakland Lake (met Woo Park leading a bird tour with many Asians) & Alley Pond Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Oakland:  Belted Kingfisher.  Red-tailed Hawk.  I did not see Ruby-throated Hummingbird but someone saw it.
Alley Pond Park: Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

9/12/2021 (Sun) am
Alley Pond Park Restoration Pond / Oakland Lake / Kissena Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Kissena: many hummingbirds.
Oakland: will possibly see hummingbirds.  Keep an eye on it.
Restoration Pond:  Wood Duck, many.

9/11/2021 (Sat) am
JBWR (11th visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Ruddy Duck.  Shoveler.  Mallard.  Wood Duck. 

9/4/2021 (Sat) am with Terri Chu
Nickerson Beach and Oceanside Marine Study Area
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Shorebird including Semipalmated Plover.
Green Heron. 

Note: Today a birder saw one Ruby-throated Hummingbird at Kissena Park.  src
8/29/2021 (Sun) am, cloudy
JBWR (10th visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

No shorebird due to high water level in East Pond.  Last weekend Hurricane Henri dumped tons of water into NYC.
Note: Tropical Storm Henri broke two rainfall records in New York City this weekend as the system made landfall in New England.
8/7/2021 Sat - 8/16/2021 Mon
Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach

Lifer:  Tufted Puffin.  Common Murre.  Pigeon Guillemot.  Pelagic Cormorant (I think not Double-crested Cormorant).
Cannon Beach:  Harlequin Duck, a group of males in non-breeding plumage.
Western Gull.  Steller's Jay.
Any Brandt's Cormorant?

7/31/2021 (Sat) am, partly sunny
JBWR (9th visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Cicada.  Sand Swap.
Greater Yellowlegs, possibly.  Lesser Yellowlegs.  Short-billed Dowitcher.  Semipalmated Sandpiper.  Least Sandpiper. 
Cowbird, female.  Glossy Ibis.  Tree Swallow.  Barn Swallow.     

  Lesser Yellowlegs -  <1>
  Sand Swap -

7/11/2021 (Sun) am, cloudy, meet many birders
JBWR (8th visit) - a Lifer Day
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Lifer: Hudsonian Godwit.   Gull-billed Tern.
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, First time in NYC.  Second time in my life see it in wild.
FOS: Cedar Waxwing.  Yellowlegs.
Osprey.  Least Sandpiper.  Black-crowned Night Heron, immature.
7/10/2021 (Sat) am, partly cloudy, with Winnie
Nickerson Beach - a Common Tern Young Day
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Babies everywhere.
Oystercatcher babies and juveniles, just a few, not many.
Common Tern, incubating, babies and juveniles waiting for parents to feed.
Piping Plover juveniles.
Skimmer, incubating.  I see one couple copulation, probably.
Least Tern, incubating and 2 eggs are seen.
Laughing Gull and other Gulls.
Many are bathing in the shallow water after yesterday/mid-night rain from tropical storm Elsa.
Note for today:  Too early to see Skimmer babies.  May see Least Tern juveniles later.  But why it is so hard to see a Least Tern young during my birding life?
The Asilid (Robber flies), many on the sand.    
Fly bits my leg even it is in sock.

Examples of Robber flies:
(1)  Promachus rufipes, known generally as the red-footed cannibalfly or bee panther,  New York is not its terrority.
(2) Promachus hinei may be the one I see at Nickerson Beach and Fort Tilden (7/7/2012).

(1) Least Tern: Most commonly the clutch size is two or three, but it is not rare to consist of either one or four eggs. Adults are known to wet themselves and shake off water over the eggs when arriving at the nest.[10] Both female and male incubate the eggs for a period of about three weeks, and both parents tend the semiprecocial young. 

6/26/2021 (Sat) am, partly sunny / pm, sunny
JBWR (7th visit) / Kissena Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Turtle.  Muskrat.  Probably Chipmunk.  A dead Raccoon on the roadside.
Brown Thrasher.  Boat-tailed Grackle.  Tree Swallow.  Song Sparrow.  Wren.  Yellow Warbler. 
Kissena:  Amberwing (FOS).  Damselfly (FOS in NYC).  A large turtle, look like a Softshell Turtle.  Probably a Florida Softshell Turtle trading as pet to NYC; then released to Kissena Park.
6/22/2021 (Tue) 6-8pm
Back to Al Oerter Recreation Center playing racquetball with Terri Chu.
6/20/2021 (Sun) whole day, mostly sunny, with Ivy
Croton Point Park (1 Croton Point Ave, Croton-On-Hudson, NY 10520)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Lifer: Bobolink.  Dickcissel.
Purple Martin. Tree Swallow.  Song Sparrow.  Killdeer.  Great Blue Heron and/or Greater Egret.  RWBB.  Goldfinch and/or Yellow Warbler. 
Failed to find Grasshopper Sparrow.  Not see Horned Lark. 

Croton Point Park
- $10 fee per car [(1) weekends only in May and September until Sunday, Sept. 26; (2) daily Saturday, May 29 through Labor Day.  Open seven days a week, 8 a.m. to dusk, year-round.]  So visiting before late May on weekdays are free.
- "As a Local I like to visit in the quiet off season (free of charge). On any sunny January or February day one can enjoy hikes to the Southern tip or around the Northern end. On the Northern promontory is a small Nature museum which is supposedly open Friday, Saturday and Sunday but was closed when we visited in January. On snow days the terrain is ideal for cross country skiing. The Winter views from any point are impressive with the possibility of spotting eagles and other wild life. "

6/13/2021 (Sun) whole day, partly sunny, with Ivy
Canarsie Park (GPS: 1500 Paerdegat Ave N, Brooklyn, NY 11236; a restaurant address) / Fort Tilden Beach / Plumb Beach (last visit on 6/13/2009)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Lifer: Cliff Swallow.
Canarsie: Cliff Swallow nest (1).  Barn Swallow nest (5 babies).  Both are under the Belt Parkway bridge.  Ivy finds a lot of amazing large and tiny insects, spiders and alike (Opiliones 盲蛛目 commonly called daddy longlegs).
Fort Tilden: Oystercatcher parents and 2 babies.  Two oystercatcher eggs are incubating.  Piping Plover couple attacking the oystercatcher parents (the one with 2 babies).  br> Plumb Beach:  Least Tern.  Black-crowned Night Heron.  Yellow-crowned Night Heron.  Laughing Gull.  Shorebird, probably Willet. 
6/7/2021 (Mon) whole day, sunny
New Jersey Princeton - Updike Farmstead on Quaker Road / Charles H. Rogers Wildlife Refuge / Princeton University
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Periodical Cicada.
Damselfly.  Dragonfly.  Many different insects.
6/5/2021 (Sat) am, sunny
JBWR (6th visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Yellow-billed Cuckoo.  Green Heron.
Wren.  Shorebirds.  Yellow Warbler.  Towhee.  Glossy Ibis, flying over, not 100% sure.  Tern.  Black-crowned Night Heron.
5/31/2021 (Mon) am, cloudy / pm, partly sunny
Cunningham Park with QCBC (Ian and 3 more participants excluding me) / Kissena Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Kentucky Warbler (0.5 since I don't see it clearly but 100% sure).  House Wren.  The dead tree site for Owl returning each year.
Baby Mockingbird.  Swift (3+), low and close.

5/22/2021 (Sat) am, sunny
Nickerson Beach
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Skimmer.  Least Tern.  Piping Plover.  Oystercatcher baby.
Common Eider.  Common Tern, many with fish in the beak.  Laughing Gull.  Willet (1), not 100% sure.    

  Least Tern  -
  Piping Plover -
  Oystercatcher / baby -
  Common Tern -
5/11-19/2021 (Tue-Wed)
Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Fort Myers, Sanibel Island. 
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

5/11 Tue to 5/15 Sat Holiday Inn Madeira Beach 4816 100th way North, St. Petersburg, FL 33708
Tampa International Airport
Kia Forte rental car DZY114
Courtney Campbell Causeway / Ben T Davis Beach
Honeymoon Island State Park 1 Causeway Blvd, Dunedin 34698
Sand Key Park 1060 Gulf Blvd, Clearwater 33767
John's Pass Boardwalk 33708
Fort De Soto Park – 3500 Pinellas Bayway S. , Tierra Verde FL 33715
Boyd Hill Nature Park & Lake Maggiore (spend the whole day there.  Open at 9am.  We arrive earlier and wait for a while to walk the trail.)

Manatee (2), probably mother and cub, black in color. 
Gopher Tortoise.
Catch a live Conch.  Sand Dollar.
A small Yellow stingray (Urobatis), like the ones seen in Mexico (4/7-14/2016).
White Ibis, many.  Saw in 11/19/2010 at West Lake Park/Anne Kolb Nature Center. 
Skimmer.  Brown Pelican.  Royal Tern.  Sandwich Tern.  Boat-tailed Grackle.  Common Grackle.  Great Horned Owl. 
Willet.  Black-bellied Plover.  Ruddy Turnstone.  Sanderling.  Short-billed Dowitcher, a few.  Long-billed Dowitcher (1).  Semipalmated Plover, may be other plovers.  Dunlin. 
Zenaida Dove, not sure.  Common Ground Dove.  Reddish Egret.  Yellow-crowned Night Heron.  Towhee.  Moorhen.  Swallow-tailed Kite.  Roseate Spoonbill.
Anhinga (saw before in 4/2015).  Double-crested Cormorant.
Loggerhead Shrike.
Green Heron.  

  Brown Pelican -  <1>   <2>

1. Fort De Soto Park ebird
2. BOYD HILL NATURE PRESERVE: "The preserve supports more than 60 species of reptiles and amphibians, including gopher tortoise, Florida box turtle, and eastern indigo snake; young alligators hiding in the lake shallows are a delight for the whole family. More than 60 species of butterflies have been found including giant swallowtail, southern oak hairstreak and white peacock. Year-round, common birds like Green Heron, Osprey, Common Gallinule, Eastern Screech-Owl and Downy Woodpecker are easy to find. Limpkin, Purple Gallinule and King Rail require a little more patience. Over 20 species of wood-warbler have been recorded during spring and fall migration including Kentucky, Cerulean, Blackburnian, Bay-breasted and Wilson’s. Rarities such as Long-tailed Duck, Groove-billed Ani, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Nashville Warbler and Lark Sparrow have also been recorded."

5/9/2021 (Sun) am, sunny
JBWR (5th visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Yellow Warbler (a lot and many are singing).  Ruby-throated Hummingbird (1).
The Tree Swallow is still at the nest for House Wren. House Wren.  Glossy Ibis (5), not sure.  Catbird, a lot.  Cowbird, a few male.  Eastern Towhee, a few.  Yellow-rumped Warbler. Tern.  Snowy Egret (in breeding plumage).  Common Grackle.  滿天飛燕 (Tree Swallow).       

  Yellow Warbler -
  Ruby-throated Hummingbird -
  Eastern Towhee -
  Snowy Egret -

5/1/2021 (Sat) am, sunny
JBWR (4th visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Snake.  Looking for Yellow Warbler but cannot be sure to see one.  Tree Swallow at the nest for House Wren. 
FOS: House Wren.

  House Wren -

4/28/2021 (Wed) 10am-2pm, sunny
Central Park (1st birding visit in my life) near Ramble, Turtle Pond and Belvedere Castle
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Blackburnian Warbler.  Prairie Warbler (not 100% sure).   Black-and-white Warbler.
Evening Grosbeak (2+, at least one is female).  Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Hermit Thrush or other.  American Goldfinch, a lot.  Cormorant.  Catbird.      
People see:  Warbling Vireo.  Yellow-throated Warbler.  I don't.

  Black-and-white Warbler -
  Hermit Thrush or other -
  American Goldfinch -
  Evening Grosbeak - <female>
  Blackburnian Warbler - <1>

4/25/2021 (Sun) pm, cloudy and partly sunny
Oakland Lake (just know that it is part of Alley Pond Park)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Barn Swallow.  Northern Rough-winged Swallow (a lifer?).
Tree Swallow.  Woodpecker.  Yellow-rumped Warbler.
not see the Blue Grosbeak (female or immature).   

  Raccoon -
  RWBB -
  Common Grackle -
4/24/2021 (Sat) am / pm, sunny
JBWR (3rd visit) / Kissena Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Eastern Towhee.  Black-crowned Night Heron.  Wasp.  Flower Fly.  Glossy Ibis.
Brown Thrasher.  Tree Swallow, both sexes, get many good pictures.  Shorebird, large in size (2).  Wren.  Cowbird, both sexes.  Crow (2+), picking up twig to build nest.  Osprey flying with a large fish.  Yellow-rumped Warbler, many.      
A green bee, probably Sweat Bee or Ceratina (small carpenter bees).  White-color butterfly.  Bumble Bee or Carpenter Bee.     

  Osprey, flying with a large fish - <1>
  Brown Thrasher -
  Eastern Towhee -
  Tree Swallow -
                        - in the box
  Flower Fly -
  Wasp -
  Butterfly -
  Mourning Dove -
  RWBB -
4/18/2021 (Sun) whole day, partly sunny, warmer than yesterday until late afternoon sprinkle, with Ivy
Green-Wood Cemetery and Prospect Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Lifer: Evening Grosbeak (at Green-Wood).  Eastern Whip-poor-will (at Prospect Park).
FOS: Pine Warbler.  Palm Warbler.  Great Egret (did I see it before in this year?).
Boat-tailed Grackle. 

  Evening Grosbeak, male - <1>  <2>  <3> 
  Eastern Whip-poor-will  -
  Palm Warbler -
  Blue Jay - <1>
4/17/2021 (Sat) am, partly sunny and not cold
JBWR (2nd visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Laughing Gull.  Tern, possibly Forster's Tern.  Snowy Egret (in breeding plumage).
滿天飛燕 (Tree Swallow)
Boat-tailed Grackle, probably.  Cowbird, many M and F.  Osprey.  Crow, a few.  Yellow-rumped Warbler. Wren heard. 
Ruddy Duck, quite a lot.  Bufflehead.  etc.

  Snowy Egret -  <1>
4/10/2021 (Sat) am, sunny
Nickerson Beach
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Oystercatcher.
Dunlin.  Sanderling.  Loon.  Mourning Dove.  No Piping Plover.  No Tern.
4/3/2021 (Sat) am / pm, sunny
On the way to Valhalla / Orchard Beach
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

On the way to Valhalla, see a Black Vulture flying in the sky.
Cemetery at Valhalla, many Robins. 
FOS: Boat-tailed Grackle.  Killdeer.  Both at Orchard Beach.
Orchard Beach: Common Grackle.  Robin, many.  Blue Jay.  Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Nuthatch.  Chickadee.  RWBB.  etc.
3/27/2021 (Sat) am, sunny and warm
JBWR (1st visit)
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

FOS: Common Grackle.  Cowbird, M and 1F.  Osprey, 2 pairs.  Tree Swallow.  Eastern Phoebe or other flycatchers.
Snow Goose.  Hermit Thrush.  Golden-crowned Kinglet or a Warbler. 

3/13/2021 (Sat) pm
Baisley Pond Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

2/28/2021 (Sun) am, after visiting Beach Gardens Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Far Rockaway
Nickerson Beach and Point Lookout
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Nickerson: Long-tailed Duck, Dunlin, Sanderling.
Point Lookout: Harlequin Duck, 1M+1F. Long-tailed Duck, quite a lot (about 20).  Loon.  Common Eider. 

  Harlequin Duck -
  Long-tailed Duck -
  Dunlin -

2/20/2021 (Sat) am, cold
Crocheron Park & Kissena (Corridor) Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3
FOS: Catbird.  Brown Thrasher.
Crocheron: Hooded Merganser, 2M+F.  RWBB, male or junvenile.
Carolina Wren, singing.  Titmouse.  Chickadee.  Northern Mockingbird.  Cardinal, M+F.  Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Downy or Hairy Woodpecker.  Blue Jay.  Mourning Dove.   

  Mourning Dove -
  Hooded Merganser -
2/15/2021 (Mon) 11am-1pm
Alley Pond Park (Restoration Pond) and World's Fair Marina
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

Restoration Pond: Redhead.

2/14/2021 (Sun) am, not as cold as yesterday
Baisley Pond Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3

  Chickadee -
  Redhead - <1>   <2>        
  Shoveler (F) -
  Shoveler (M) -

2/13/2021 (Sat) am, cold
Kissena (Corridor) Park
Nikon D7500 + Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3
Cardinal, M+F.  Blue Jay.  Junco.  Wood Duck. etc.
   Cardinal - female-1
   Wood Duck -

1/31/2021 (Sun) pm, cold
On the way to market: Mourning Dove (FOS)
Back home at the new backyard garden: Robin, 2 (FOS), attracted by the red-color round-sharp small berries. 

Types of Red Berries That Grow on Trees or Shrubs 
1/18/2021 (Mon) pm, not cold
Kissena Park

RWBB, male (FOS).  
1/17/2021 (Sun) am, cold and windy
QCBC Bayville trip, a Long-tailed Duck Day.

Leader: Nancy Tognan < Nancy.Tognan AT gmail.comparticipant.html
Meeting Place, 8am - Stop #1.  Heated bathrooms, views of Oyster Bay.  When Bay Ave forks, take the LEFT side (NOT to Sagamore YC/Oyster Bay Marine Center)   40.877327, -73.529858°52'38.4%22N+73°31'47.5%22W/@40.877327,-73.5320467,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d40.877327!4d-73.529858?hl=en 
My GPS address: 5 Bay Ave, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 (of Oyster Bay Marine Center). Use it until the split:
direction to QCBC meeting point

Stop #2.  Mill Pond in Oyster Bay. This pond has recent reports of Eurasian Wigeon.  Park on Bayside Ave just north of W Main St.,-73.5385758/@40.8747768,-73.5374862,16z/data=!4m2!4m1!3e0?hl=en 
Mill Pond

Stop #3.  Stehli Beach, westernmost parking lot.  Views of ducks in LI Sound, plus a walk through the adjoining marsh.°54'29.9%22N+73°35'25.8%22W/@40.908306,-73.5926777,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d40.908306!4d-73.590489?hl=en 

(Note:  we are skipping the Bald Eagle viewing site because the birds have not been present and parking is limited.)

Stop #4. Shore Rd near Tides Ct, Bayville.  Brief stop for views of Mill Creek before it joins Oyster Bay.  40.905814, -73.557495°54'20.9%22N+73°33'27.0%22W/@40.905814,-73.5585846,336m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d40.905814!4d-73.557495 

Stop #5.  Centre Island Town Park - eastern edge of parking lot.  We will view rafts of Scaup in Oyster Bay.  Then we will walk to the LI Sound side for more ducks and shorebirds.  We may walk along the beach if it is not too windy.  40.911391, -73.532041°54'41.0%22N+73°31'55.4%22W/@40.911391,-73.5342297,674m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d40.911391!4d-73.532041 

Also visited West Harbor Beach Memorial Park (aka Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo Memorial Park).  But found no bird.

Long-tailed Duck.  Common Loon (1).  etc.


 (1)  Honoring Paul Tuozzolo by naming a beach after him
 (2) The entire species list from Nancy:
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Gadwall (at Mill Pond)
American Wigeon (at Mill Pond)
American Black Duck
Ring-necked Duck (at Mill Pond)
Greater Scaup
Greater/Lesser Scaup
Long-tailed Duck
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Common Loon
Northern Mockingbird
House Sparrow
American Goldfinch
1/16/2021 (Sat) pm, not cold
Oakland Lake with Terry testing Nikon D7500 with his Nikon 70 (or75?)-300mm  lens

I have a new toy - Nikon D7500 ($650 cash), bought from Terry's friend.   
1/9/2021 (Sat) am, cold
Baisley Pond Park

Redhead.  Ring-necked Duck.  American Wigeon.  Gadwall.  Northern Shoveler. Ruddy Duck.  Mallard.  I did not pay attention whether there is any American Black Duck.
Coot. Gull. Swan family, 2 adults and 2 junveniles. Canada Geese. White-throated Sparrow. Cardinal. 
1/2/2021 (Sat) am, warm
Meadow Lake, World's Fair Marina

Meadow Lake: Common Merganser (5), M+F. 
Marina: not many duck.
1/1/2021 (Fri) am with Ivy
Green-Wood Cemetery, Bush Terminal Piers Park, Brooklyn Army (Ferry) Terminal (Sunset Park waterfront), Prospect Park

European goldfinch, lifer.
Winter Wren, lifer.  (I assume what I saw before are all House Wren)
Monk Parakeet, 19+.  Titmouse.  Blue Jay.  Junco.  Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Double-crested Cormorant.  Greater Scaup.
   Winter Wren - <1>
   European goldfinch - <1>
   Monk Parakeet - <1> (以足代手)